Every year, our annual MSC World Projects Appeal answers the call to respond to the immediate needs of different communities across our mission stations around the world. This year, our featured projects span South Sudan, India, South Africa, and South America, incorporating everything from education and medical aid to agricultural programmes that will provide tools for sustainable living, giving vulnerable families and disadvantaged communities renewed hope for a fresh start.
In the year ahead, our World Projects Appeal will enrich and empower underprivileged communities around the world in more ways than we can mention. Your generosity will touch the lives of people who you will never meet, but who will be blessed by the compassion of strangers. Your kindness will help to shape the lives of children in South Africa and young women in South Sudan, of the elderly and infirm in Brazil, and of struggling rural families in India, to name but a few. Your support today will enable us to help these communities now, and in years to come, as we pave the way for a more hopeful future.
At a time when our world is in crisis, with conflict, violence, and suffering at every turn, it is more important than ever that we remain united in our efforts to promote positive change however we can. As a charity, we are endeavouring to do all we can with decreasing resources. With a new year dawning, we do not yet know how we will be called to help, but our mission, to be on earth the heart of God, remains ever constant and unchanging.
Below, you will find some of the projects that currently need our immediate attention, and we would be very grateful if you would consider lending your support. You can choose to donate to a specific programme that may be close to your heart, or you can leave it to us to send your donation to the projects that need it most.
Click the images below to find out more about our 2024 World Projects.
Thank you from Fr John
Dear Friends,
We could be forgiven for thinking that there is very little hope left in this world, as wars and political crises rage on. Yet when I see our Sacred Heart family coming together, united in friendship and faith and love, to help where we can in the face of hardship – that is living, breathing, hope in action.
With your help, our MSCs & OLSH Sisters can continue to plant the seeds of hope and transform lives in 2024.
May God bless you for your kindness, now and always,
Fr John Fitzgerald MSC
Director of the MSC Missions Office