This summer, we’re working to raise funds to help
extremely vulnerable families, who often don’t know where their next meal is coming from.
If you can, we are asking you to please support our MSCs in their efforts to fund our ongoing mission projects, giving hope to many with your help. Our missionaries are situated all over the world, answering the call for help in a way that aims to bring dignity and empowerment to the vulnerable and marginalised – and it is your support that makes this work possible.
In Venezuela, where the social climate is extremely unstable, our MSCs are running soup kitchens to feed those who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. In Brazil, MSCs need our help with the upkeep of a centre for very vulnerable children, where 60 young people receive food and education each day, significantly reducing the threat of their becoming involved with the drugs trade. These communities are facing unfathomable troubles, and with your help, we can ease their burden.
Please click the images below to find out more about our 2024 Summer Appeal projects.
Dear mission friends,
Greetings from my office here in Cork. As I write this, looking out my window, this summer day has offered us a mixture of heat, cold, rain, and sun. However, we have summer roses out there with a scent like no other, to give us hope for a better day tomorrow.
This summer, we are raising funds to support extremely vulnerable families in Venezuela and Brazil – families who often don’t know where their next meal is coming from.
In today’s world, where so many of us have so much, and we are extraordinarily connected by technology, we are all more aware than ever of the goings-on in different parts of the world – yet it is a sad reality that there are still children going hungry, there are still homes without clean drinking water, and there are still people who cannot sleep soundly and safely in their beds at night for fear of what lies beyond. Your compassion is, in essence, a gesture that reaches across the miles, beyond borders and boundaries, and offers a hand of hope and friendship to those in need. Thanks to you, our MSCs can offer the poor and marginalised a chance – a chance of hope, a chance of dignity, and the promise of better things to come.
Your open-heartedness is the missionary spirit in action, the living embodiment of the Lord’s love and grace here on earth. On behalf of our MSCs all over the world, and particularly in Venezuela and Brazil this summer, I thank you, sincerely, for being a beacon of hope and of kindness in a world that so desperately needs it. May God bless you always.
With every grace and blessing of the Sacred Heart,
Fr John Fitzgerald MSC
Director of the MSC Missions Office