Now in its ninth year, our annual Light Up a Memory Mass has become a much-loved and highly anticipated tradition each year, since the first ceremony took place in November of 2014. This year’s candlelight memorial Mass took place on the evening of Saturday, November 26th at the Sacred Heart Church on the Western Road, Cork, and was another beautiful evening of reflection and prayer in honour of those we love who have gone to their eternal rest in the Lord’s embrace.
Fr John Fitzgerald, director of the MSC Missions Office, celebrated this year’s Mass with Fr Con Doherty, new parish priest at the Sacred Heart Church. Despite stormy skies and November weather, the church was filled with mission friends gathered together in prayer; “there are more than two or three,” said Fr John, “and where two or three are gathered, the Lord is.” Fr John also welcomed everybody who took part in the ceremony by watching our live stream, which saw almost 700 people joining us in prayer in everywhere from Ireland, the UK, and Europe, to South Africa, New Zealand, and the United States.
“Tonight is all about memory,” reflected Fr John. “It is about lighting up something in our hearts… To pray and to pray well, to pay our respects, to honour our dead, to remember their lives, to mark their death, and to mark the saving power of the Lord.”
“We are living in hope tonight,” he continued. “This isn’t a remembrance around a tree or by the sea or anything, it is here, on this extended altar tonight, where we remember the soul or the spirit that sheds its earthly body as a tree sheds its leaves. But death is not the end of existence, it is the cessation in this place, and we believe in the life hereafter.”
As the weekend of our Light Up a Memory Mass coincided with the first weekend of Advent, Fr Con took the time to light the first candle on the Advent wreath during the ceremony, as Fr John prayed that the light of Christ would light up our hearts and our lives throughout the Winter months, and that bridge of time between this and Christmas.
Reflecting on the inevitable changes that death brings to each of our lives, Fr John said, “I think that, heavier than shouldering any coffin, is the weight that the death of a loved one presses on us, or impresses on us – we miss them… We’re lost without them for a while… At times, we suddenly realise they’re not sharing a bed with us, they’re not sharing a table, they’re not sharing a kitchen, and that they won’t walk in the door any more. And that is so natural, but it is so painful, and that is what our prayer here tonight is – we’re lighting up a memory light here for healing, not to rush the healing or anything like that, or to get it away so that we can go back into driving down the dual carriageway in life without thoughts of them, but just stepping through life with them.”
This year’s Mass once again featured a wonderful musical accompaniment from Gerry and Deirdre Tuohy, while Fr John’s homily incorporated a selection of poems and prayers, from Patrick Kavanagh to Seamus Heaney, each one a fitting reminder of the power of grief, of faith, and of love everlasting as he prayed for those we have loved and lost, and for those who have nobody to remember them at all.
Bringing the ceremony to an end, Fr John prayed for protection, grace, and hope on this sacred night: “Look kindly upon us here tonight, Lord, as we remember our dead. We pray especially for all our benefactors who contacted us through the Missions Office, who gave in lists of their dead friends and relations; we pray for them tonight. For the people here, Lord, who are the living voice of your word, who are takers of the word tonight back through the arteries of the county here, and through the arteries of the street… Lord, as we walk from this place, let us walk gently, knowing that you are with us.”
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who took part in this year’s Light Up a Memory celebrations, in the Sacred Heart Church and beyond. None of us have been untouched by the challenges of recent years, and the grief that has accompanied us through these times, in one form or another. Our 2022 Light Up a Memory Mass was a very moving way for us to commemorate treasured memories of those we hold dear, while praying for healing and hope in our hearts as we navigate life without them. Sincere thanks to all who took part in this truly special evening of prayer, reflection, and fond remembrance.
Click here to watch a recording of our 2022 Light Up a Memory Mass
November is a sacred time to remember, as we keep in our prayers family, friends, and loved ones who have gone before us. This year, we are glad to invite old friends and new to take part in our annual Light Up a Memory Mass, which will be celebrated on Saturday, November 26th. The candlelight memorial service will take place at 6.30pm the Sacred Heart Church on the Western Road, Cork, and will be streamed live for those who cannot attend in person.
Bereavement and grief touch us all, and the Month of the Holy Souls is a special time to honour fond memories and to pray for friends and family who have gone to their eternal rest in the Lord’s love. This November, we come together once again remember specially those who are no longer with us, and to light a candle in tribute to those whose memory we hold dear.
Now in its ninth year, our annual MSC Light Up a Memory Mass has become a much-anticipated tradition to close the Month of the Holy Souls. Each year, we invite mission friends to send the names of their dearly departed for remembrance, and the list is kept on the altar throughout the month as we pray for their perpetual peace. In a beautiful ceremony to mark the end of the month of remembrance, the Light Up a Memory Mass is a beacon of light and love in honour of our faithful departed.
The events of recent years have demonstrated more than ever the tremendous power of unity, community, and love. Those who cannot be with us in person on the night are very welcome to join us on our live stream, and to light a candle in their own homes or in our online candle gallery, where those listed will have a special place in the prayers of our MSC priests.
All are welcome to join us in reflection on this special night, and to submit the names of departed family, friends, and loved ones for remembrance. We would greatly appreciate your support for our ongoing mission projects, and in gratitude for your contribution, we will be glad to remember your intentions at our annual Mass. You can then submit the names of your departed loved ones online, and our MSC priests will remember them specially during our Light Up a Memory Mass.
Through the dark winter nights, the light of remembrance warms our hearts, and the flame of hope continues to burn brightly. Please join us for an evening of reflection and remembrance in honour of the loved ones who are always in our thoughts.
Find out more about our annual MSC Light Up a Memory Mass.
It is with great joy and gratitude that we close the curtain on our 2022 MSC Novena to the Sacred Heart, a truly wonderful occasion for all involved.
Our Novena took place from Thursday, June 16th through to the Feast of the Sacred Heart on Friday, June 24th, and was celebrated by Fr Paul Clayton-Lea, a great friend to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, around the theme of “Jesus – The Compassion and Mercy of God”.
“We are here to pray during the Novena,” said Fr Paul during the opening Mass. “We come to pray with hope and expectation, and that’s the way it should be, because we’ve been told by our Lord himself never to stop praying. In a sense, I don’t think we ever do; we wake up in the morning and there’s always a half-formed prayer in our hearts, that this will be a good day for ourselves and those we care about. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open to you, says the Lord. There’s nothing going on in our lives that we can’t take to him in prayer. There’s nothing we need to be shy about, nothing too big or small, nothing too shameful or too personal. We can bring anyone and anything to God for help and healing. When we look at the Sacred Heart statue, those arms open wide towards us in welcome… we can bring anything and anyone to God for help and healing, because that’s why he came.”
This year’s Novena was indeed a sacred time of prayer and reflection, and a beautiful reminder that nobody is ever lost to God. Fr Paul reminded us of this, reflecting, “That is our mission, as those who are devoted to the Sacred Heart: to make it, as the prayer goes, ‘everywhere loved’, to see the love that is coming at us, that is surrounding us each day, and to know, in that love, that nothing and no-one is ever lost.”
Just a year ago, our Sacred Heart Novena took place behind closed doors because of COVID restrictions, and it was a real blessing and a privilege to be able to welcome parishioners, mission friends, benefactors, and new acquaintances to pray with us and celebrate with us here at the Sacred Heart Church on the Western Road in Cork. Fr John Finn put it best on the closing day of the Novena, when he said “It has been fantastic this year to have been able to sit, and stand up here, and meet people again after three years. It’s been wonderful to be able to go into the hall afterwards and have a cup of tea or coffee, and share a bit of cake or a biscuit, and have a chat.”
We also had the pleasure of welcoming almost 9,000 people who joined us throughout the Novena via our live stream, from close to home and across the world. Unseen, perhaps, but never forgotten, Fr Paul even paused to ask the congregation at the Sacred Heart Church to give everybody tuning in online a big wave from our closing Masses on the final day of our Novena celebrations!
Our sincere gratitude goes to Fr Paul for leading our Novena this year; Fr John Finn expressed our thanks at the closing Mass, saying, “For your gentle words of kindness, it is a real honour and privilege to have you here with us at the Sacred Heart Church.”
We are truly grateful to all who contributed to making this year’s Novena such a resounding success; the time and effort that went into every detail, from the flowers and music and readings, to the teas and coffees and socialising, and the planning of all the details in between, is always hugely appreciated. And to all who joined us in prayer, be it in person or online, your presence has been a blessing and a gift.
“To all of you, most importantly,” said Fr John. “To those who participate in this Novena, some for many, many, many years; many who support the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, who pray with us on the web; who support the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, the MSC Sisters. We have projects all over the world that are supported by your kindness and your generosity towards us, thank you for that. We continue to pray for you.”
“Thank you all for being with us, it’s a real joy, and I pray that God will continue to guide you and bless you and be with you and all those you carry in your hearts and in your lives each day…. God bless you all.”
Preparations are well underway at the Sacred Heart Church on the Western Road in Cork, as we look ahead to our much-beloved annual Novena to the Sacred Heart, which will take place this year from June 16th to 24th.
This year’s Novena will see the return of a familiar face, as Fr Paul Clayton-Lea, who led us in prayer during last year’s Novena to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, is joining us once again in celebration of our 2022 Sacred Heart Novena. A firm friend of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Fr Paul writes to parishioners in Cork and mission friends everywhere ahead of the Novena celebrations.
I am looking forward to joining you all soon for the annual Novena to the Sacred Heart, from 16th to 24th June 2022, and reflecting with you upon the theme for the Novena this year, “Jesus – The Compassion and Mercy of God”.
By way of a little personal background information, I am a priest of the Archdiocese of Armagh and I live in the parish of Termonfeckin in Co. Louth. I was ordained to the priesthood in 1986 and over the past thirty-six years have been a teacher (in St. Patrick’s Grammar school, Armagh), a college chaplain to Dundalk Institute of Technology and parish priest to two great parishes, Clogherhead (2008-2013) and Tallanstown (2013-2018) in Co. Louth. At present, I serve as editor of the monthly pastoral and liturgical magazine Intercom, and I assist in parishes where priests are sick or on leave, which thankfully leaves me free to join with you all for the Novena.
The founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Fr Jules Chevalier, said, “Our greatest need, if we are to find meaning in life, is to learn to believe in God’s love for us and let it transform our life.” Whatever words may be used during our Novena this year, Fr Chevalier’s message of the transformative power of God’s love will be their foundation.
We are still emerging from the effects of the pandemic, which changed the world and scarred many lives. We are daily watching the horrors of war in Europe and the ongoing effects of climate change, especially on the world’s poorest people. To cope with such events and with the challenges in our own personal lives, we are strengthened and encouraged by the gift of faith, which teaches us that God is always with us.
I hope that the time we spend in prayer together and in celebrating the Eucharist each day of our Novena will bring us fresh reasons to be hopeful and confident in God’s saving power for us in his son Jesus, and that we will end our Novena with renewed praise and gratitude in our hearts.
I am very grateful to Fr Tom Mulcahy MSC for the invitation to celebrate the message of compassion and mercy which is at the heart of the Gospel, and look forward to meeting you all soon.
With every blessing till we meet,
Fr Paul”
This year’s Novena to the Sacred Heart will take place from Thursday, June 16th to Friday, June 24th.
Novena Masses will take place daily at 10.00am & 7.30pm
at the Sacred Heart Church on the Western Road, Cork,
and all are very welcome to join us via the live stream here on our website.
Remind family, friends, and loved ones that they’re always in your thoughts this Christmas with a beautifully designed Mass card from the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.
In an age of email, text, and social media, it’s something special to find a surprise popping through the letterbox, and never more so than at Christmas time. Whether you’re sending festive greetings to friends and family nearby, or reaching out to loved ones around the world, our Christmas Mass Bouquet cards are a wonderful way to let those you hold dear know that you’re thinking of them at this special time of year.
Each card is designed with care and brought to life with stunning gold highlights and embellishments. Cards can be ordered individually, or in sets of five, with a selection of different designs to choose from. Every card contains a thoughtful blessing and is signed by MSC Missions Office Director Fr Michael O’Connell MSC for inclusion in our annual Christmas Triduum of Masses, which will take place this year from December 20th to 22nd at the Sacred Heart Church on the Western Road, Cork.
Don’t forget, by choosing to send one of our Christmas Mass Bouquet cards, you’re supporting the life-saving work our missionaries are doing across the world. Over the past two years, our ongoing mission projects have come under tremendous strain as a result of the challenges introduced by the pandemic, and our missionaries are working tirelessly to combat the effects of COVID-19 in areas where even basic resources like clean water are sorely lacking, while also maintaining ongoing ministry in the provision of education, healthcare, and community support in vulnerable and disadvantaged regions. By choosing to send one of our Christmas cards this year, you’re giving families and communities in need a real reason to celebrate this festive season.
The best Christmas gifts can’t be wrapped in a bow – capture the true spirit of Christmas and give the gift of prayer to your loved ones this year.
MSC Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards are available to order online, and from our MSC Missions Office on the Western Road in Cork.
A lovely range of Christmas gifts is also available.
Our Light Up a Memory Mass has become a much-loved annual tradition to close the Month of the Holy Souls since our first ceremony in 2014, and this year’s candlelight memorial Mass, which took place on the evening of Saturday, November 27th, was another beautiful commemoration of the memory of treasured loved ones who are now with the Lord.
As we come to the end of another year of uncertainty and anxiety, with all the challenges presented to us by living with the COVID pandemic, it was a truly wonderful thing to be able to safely welcome mission friends and parishioners, old and new, to the Sacred Heart Church on the Western Road in Cork. We were also delighted to welcome many, many more friends who joined us via our live stream on the night, with almost 900 viewers joining us in prayer from across Ireland, the UK, the US, Germany, Australia, Indonesia, Italy, Canada, France, Bulgaria, Romania, and Malta.
At 6.30pm on Saturday evening, the Sacred Heart Church was filled with the light of hundreds of candles, a beacon of light and of hope on a dark November night. The Mass was celebrated by Fr John Fitzgerald and Fr Michael O’Connell, and was a particularly special evening for both MSCs, as Fr Michael celebrated the Light Up a Memory ceremony for the final time as Director of the MSC Missions Office, before handing over the reins to Fr John in the new year. With a beautiful musical accompaniment led by Gerry and Deirdre Tuohy, this was a very special evening of reflection and prayer to mark the ending of the month of remembrance.
Fr Michael began the ceremony with a special reflection on the purpose of the evening, of a “very special” Mass. “We’re here to remember those who have shared their lives with us,” he said. “We’re here to remember those who have gifted us their love, their presence, to remember those who have given us so much. We’re here to acknowledge the loss, the grief that might still be present in us. We’re here to give thanks to God for the gift of those who loved us, to give thanks to God for the gift of those who shared our lives, for those who gave birth to us, who brought us into this world, for those who told us they loved us, those who maybe brought us for Christening. And so we pray with those who are in Heaven, who we join in that great family of God, everyone at home and here in the church, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Fr John’s homily incorporated a selection of poems and prayers, from W.H. Auden to Cardinal Newman, each one a fitting reminder of the power of grief, of faith, and of love everlasting. As Fr Michael lit candles on the altar, Fr John reminded us, “The symbol of light is the symbol that Jesus picked himself: ‘I am the light of the world’.”
“Light is the symbol of Christ because light leads us in the dark,” he continued. “There is something about light that makes distance seem that bit closer… I would love tonight to go all over the country, or wherever you are, and give each one of you a candle, and ask you to hold that candle in your hand, and look into that candle, and say, ‘Give me time and space and peace to see the light of Christ here as I remember my loved one.’ The symbol of light is the light of Christ.”
Remembering the recently bereaved and those struggling with grief, Fr John prayed: “We pray for the light of Christ to light up the emptiness of your soul, the place they have left there in your soul, and the rawness of your soul, that you might get warmth there now in the frostiness of grieving. For you tonight, who are lately bereaved, may the blessing of light be upon you, light without and light within.”
The Mass ended on a note of hope, as Fr John reflected, “this is a ceremony of faith and love, and it is a ceremony of hope,” while Fr Michael finished the Mass with the lighting of the Advent wreath, reminding us to look to its light as we begin our Advent journey towards the birth of Christ.
We would like to extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all who took part in this year’s Light Up a Memory celebrations, in the Sacred Heart Church and beyond. At a time when so many of us are separated, the Light Up a Memory Mass is a lovely opportunity for families to come together in prayer and remembrance of their dearly departed, no matter where they are in the world. It was a beautifully poignant and truly special evening of prayer, reflection, and fond remembrance for all involved.
Click here to watch a recording of our 2021 Light Up a Memory Mass
In November, we remember, as we pray especially for loved ones who have gone before us. This year, we invite you once again to take part in a special live streaming of our annual Light Up a Memory Mass, which will be celebrated on Saturday, November 27th by main celebrant Fr John Fitzgerald MSC. The candlelight memorial service will take place at 6.30pm and will be streamed live from the Sacred Heart Church on the Western Road, Cork.
Traditionally, the Month of the Holy Souls is a time to reflect and pray for friends and family who have gone to their eternal rest in the Lord’s love. Sadly, loss and grief have been companions to many during the coronavirus pandemic, and this November, we remember specially those who are no longer with us.
Each year, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart invite mission friends to send the names of their dearly departed for remembrance, and the list is kept on the altar throughout the month as we pray for their perpetual peace. Marking the end of the month of remembrance, the Light Up a Memory Mass lights up the winter darkness in honour of our faithful departed.
Since the first MSC Light Up a Memory Mass took place in 2014, this has become a much-loved tradition to close the Month of the Holy Souls. “Bereavement touches us all, and our Light Up a Memory Mass is a very special way for families to remember together,” says MSC Missions Office Director Fr Michael O’Connell, who will also be participating in this year’s ceremony. “It is a welcome moment to pause, to reflect, and to honour fond memories, with every candle a tribute to beloved friends and relatives.”
All are welcome to join us in reflection on this special night, and to submit the names of departed family, friends, and loved ones for remembrance. We would greatly appreciate your support for our ongoing mission projects, and in gratitude for your contribution, we will be glad to remember your intentions at our annual Mass. You can then submit the names of your departed loved ones online, and our MSC priests will remember them specially during our Light Up a Memory Mass.
While the pandemic has meant that the way we pray together has had to change, we remain ever united in spirit and in faith. Please join us for an evening of reflection and remembrance in honour of the loved ones who are always in our thoughts.
Find out more about our annual MSC Light Up a Memory Mass.
This St. Patrick’s day we will be having a special reflection evening in the Sacred Heart Church on Western Road with Music, Song and Poetry on our Live Stream at 7pm.
The evening of Saturday, November 30th, saw the Sacred Heart Church on the Western Road in Cork filled with the light of hundreds of candles, each flame marking the memory of a treasured loved one who is no longer with us.
November is traditionally a time to remember, and every year, our MSC missionaries in the Sacred Heart parish mark the end of the month of the Holy Souls with the Light Up a Memory Mass, a beautiful memorial service which serves as a beacon of light and love in the winter darkness.
Now in its sixth year, the first Light Up a Memory Mass took place in 2014 and it has since become a much-beloved tradition for local parishioners in Cork, and for mission friends located far and wide, all over the world, thanks to our live streaming service. As always, we were glad to welcome familiar faces of old friends on the night, and we also had many visitors who come specially to celebrate the service with us. This year, we also welcomed over 400 viewers on our website, coming together to pray with us in Cork from across Ireland, the UK, Germany, the US, Canada, Spain, Australia, Malta, the Netherlands, and South Africa.
Bereavement touches us all and the Light Up a Memory service is a lovely way for families to remember together at this special time of year. From 6.30pm on Saturday evening, the Sacred Heart Church was aglow in the light of hundreds of candles, each one burning brightly in celebration of lives and the memories of those we will always hold dear.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who took part in this year’s Light Up a Memory celebrations, both in the Sacred Heart Church and around the world. Once again, it was a very poignant and truly special evening of prayer, reflection, and fond remembrance for everyone involved.
On Saturday, November 24th, the Sacred Heart Church in Cork was aglow with the light of hundreds of candles, each flame commemorating a beloved soul who is now with the Lord.
Since our first candlelight memorial service in 2014, the annual Light Up a Memory Mass has become a much-loved tradition to close the Month of the Holy Souls, and this year’s Mass was another wonderful occasion for all involved.
From 6.30pm on Saturday evening, the Sacred Heart Church was a beacon of welcoming warmth in the winter darkness, with each candle burning brightly in celebration of lives and the memories of those we will always hold dear. This year, Fr Michael O’Connell MSC, Director of the MSC Missions Office, was the main celebrant of the Mass, with sermon by parish priest Fr Tom Mulcahy MSC. With a beautiful musical accompaniment led by Gerry and Deirdre Tuohy, this was a very special evening of reflection and remembrance to mark the ending of the month of remembrance.
“The church looked stunning,” said one parishioner. “It was so warm, inviting, and very appropriate for the occasion. It was also lovely to see so many MSC priests concelebrating Mass. It brought back nice memories for me.”
The Light Up a Memory Mass is an opportunity for families to come together in prayer and remembrance each November. Bereavement touches us all and the service is a lovely way for families to remember together. “My son was very impressed with the celebration,” said another Mass-goer on the night. “He was delighted to bring a candle to the altar.”
We were glad to welcome familiar faces of old friends on the night, and we also had many visitors who come specially to celebrate the service with us. “It was a beautiful Mass,” said one. “The altar looked amazing, and the atmosphere was lovely.”
“It was a lovely ceremony – even if I only came upon it by accident on the way home!” said another attendee on the night. “My dad passed away late last year, so this was very poignant and meaningful for us.”
We also welcomed viewers from all over the world on our live stream, as hundreds tuned in to watch the Mass live and take part in this beautiful memorial. “That was lovely,” said one online viewer. “I’m so glad I got it!”
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all who took part in this year’s Light Up a Memory celebrations, in the Sacred Heart Church and beyond. It was a truly special evening of reflection and remembrance for all involved.
During the month of November, we take time to remember specially loved ones who have gone before us, and whose memory still burns brightly in our hearts and minds. Every year, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart mark the end of the month of the Holy Souls with our annual Light Up a Memory Mass, a beautiful candlelight service that celebrates the memories of those we hold dear.
Each November, we invite our mission friends to send the names of their dearly departed for remembrance, and this list is kept on the altar throughout the month as we pray that they are granted peace in their eternal rest. This time-honoured tradition is a source of great comfort and solace, and the annual Light Up a Memory Mass is a wonderful way to mark the end of this month of remembrance.
On this special night, the Sacred Heart Church will be a beacon of welcoming light in the winter darkness, illuminated by the glow of hundreds of candles. With uplifting choral music and prayerful reflections, we come together to pray by the glow of candlelight, with each flame burning brightly in memory of those whom we have lost.
“This is a wonderful opportunity to remember those who are no longer with us,” says Fr Michael O’Connell MSC, Director of the MSC Missions Office. “The light of a candle is a welcome sight on a dark winter night, and each of these flames is a beautiful symbol of remembrance in honour of the loved ones who are always in our thoughts.”
All are welcome to take part in this year’s ceremony on Saturday, November 24th at 6.30pm. Tune into our live stream to watch this year’s Light Up a Memory Mass live, along with all of the Masses for the Holy Souls throughout the month of November.
If you would like more information about our Light Up a Memory Mass, please contact the MSC Missions Office by phone on 021 4545704 or by email at