facebook missionary work in the Philippines Archives - Missionaries of the Sacred Heart

“A Moment to Remember”: MSC Share a Christmas Basket Project in the Philippines

As we neared the end of December, the MSC Mission Office in the Philippines once again carried out its annual tradition of Christmas unity, sharing, and togetherness, with its Share a Christmas Basket programme.

Just before Christmas, a tremendous group of local volunteers worked together to pack hundreds of baskets of groceries and Christmas provisions in preparation for the programme, which benefitted a total of 750 families this year. Each donation for a basket was marked at a value of 549 Philippine pesos, which meant that an entire family’s Christmas could be transformed for a little under €10 per household.

The MSC Mission Office in the Philippines posted their gratitude to all of their donors on their Facebook page, heading their post “A Moment to Remember”.

“The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, through the MSC Mission Office, would like to express our deepest gratitude to the following donors for their generous support of our ‘Paskong Handog: A Christmas Noche Buena Basket Project’,” they wrote.

“Thanks to [our donors’] passion and generosity in helping the needy, the project was a resounding success!  With their unwavering support, we were able to distribute 750 Noche Buena baskets to families in need in the following areas: Bataan, Triala, Nueva Ecija, San Anton Mission Station, Butuan, Cebu, Libis Caloocan, and various areas served by TFUC.
We are deeply grateful for your partnership in bringing joy and hope to so many families this Christmas season.
Merry Christmas & a Prosperous New Year to Everyone!!
From your MSC Family”

Well done to all involved in this wonderful project, which gave the priceless gift of a happy Christmas to hundreds of families in the Philippines. With the spirit of Christmas goodwill still in our hearts, we send every blessing to our MSC brothers in the Philippines and the communities they serve there.

“Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with joy, laughter, and endless possibilities.
May this year bring you peace, prosperity, and all the good things you deserve.
Cheers to a fantastic new year!!!”
~ MSC Mission Office Philippines, Inc. on Facebook

Images via MSC Mission Office Philippines, Inc. on Facebook

Promoting mental wellbeing in the Philippines

The team at the MSC Centre for the Poor in Butuan City were all on board to promote mental health and wellbeing at a recent mental wellness workshop, which took place at the beginning of November.

An evening centred on Self-Care for Mental Wellness and Well-Being took place at the centre on November 5th, with guest speaker BK Sister Ma. Lourdes L. Aseneta, chairperson of Brahman Kumaris – Phils,  providing an educational insight into mental wellness and the importance of self-care.

The team at the MSC Centre for the Poor work daily to promote a harmonious relationship between local communities and the world in which we live – nurturing our natural environment, while reaping its benefits in creating a sustainable lifestyle that will help poor and struggling families to build the foundation for a brighter future. The team here are highly active in their ministry, developing and facilitating programmes that encourage disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals and families to learn the skills they need to build a better quality of life and a brighter future. Some of their outreach programmes include agricultural and clean water projects, plastic-free and zero-waste initiatives, and emergency response aid which provides urgent care to survivors of the typhoons and tropical storms that frequently hit the country.

The community at the MSC Centre for the Poor are working tirelessly to build a better world and a better quality of life, and the focus on mental health and wellbeing is just one of the ways in which they are continuing on their journey to encourage a brighter, more positive future for all.

Images via the Facebook page for MSC Centre for the Poor.


The MSC Message: Winter 2024

Welcome to the Winter 2024 edition of the MSC Message!

• Read a seasonal greeting from Fr John Fitzgerald MSC, Director of the MSC Missions Office.

• Find out more about MSC efforts to protect our earth with the ongoing ecobricks project in the Philippines.

• Join us as we celebrate 150 years of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.

• Read all about this summer’s Camino adventure as our MSC pilgrims walked the Camino Inglés, raising over €20,000 for the Holy Family Care Centre in South Africa.

• Catch up with the latest news from the Chevalier Training Centre in Fiji.

• Fr Alan Neville MSC writes from South Sudan, with an update from the Catholic University in Rumbek.

• Learn more about Fr Frank T. Natale’s story as he shares how he came to be an MSC in the US Province.

• Catch up on news of our recent Novena to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.

Read the Winter 2024 edition of the MSC Message

A jubilee year: Celebrating 150 years of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

The end of August marked a very special day for our extended Sacred Heart family, as the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart marked their 150th anniversary on August 30th.

Established in 1874, this year marked a jubilee celebration for our OLSH Sisters, and we are delighted to share photos of just some of the wonderful celebrations that took place around the globe to mark the occasion.

In a heartfelt post, the Facebook page for the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Australia wrote:

“On this day, August 30th, 1874, 150 years ago, the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart were founded. Today, we celebrate this 150th Jubilee with hearts filled with thanksgiving for the last 150 years. We give thanks to those pioneer Sisters who, filled with the vision of Fr. Jules Chevalier MSC and the inspiration of Mother Marie Louise Hartzer FDNSC, went across the world, ministering and working alongside the poor and the vulnerable, establishing schools, hospitals, working on mission, and in recent years, working for justice, the rights of refugees, climate action, advocating for those whom society has placed on the margins, and much more! As we celebrate this special day, we are filled with the fire of God’s love to continue our mission with renewed vision so that we can continue to be ‘On earth the Heart of God.’

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart – Pray for us!”

The Australian OLSH community went on to highlight their continued commitment to their mission in a beautiful promise “to share God’s boundless love with everyone – no exceptions and no exclusions.”

Some marvellous photos of the celebrations were also shared from the Philippines and the Province of the Pacific Islands.

From the Facebook page for the MSC Scholasticate Community – Philippines:

From the Facebook page for the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart – Province of the Pacific Islands:

We join our hearts, our voices, and our prayers with our OLSH Sisters as they mark this jubilee celebration, as we give thanks for the past 150 years, and look forward to continuing on our shared journey, making the spirituality of the heart known wherever and whenever it is needed most. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved!

From the Facebook page for MSC Vocations – Australian Province:

Musicians of the future in the Philippines

Today, we’re sharing some wonderful photos of one of the latest initiatives from the MSC Centre for the Poor in the Cebu District of the Philippines – a series of music lessons for young students.

These music lessons encourage the children to learn new skills and discover new talents in a fun and enjoyable way, while keeping them encouraged and motivated throughout. These pictures show the young class taking on new knowledge with little more the most basic equipment and boundless enthusiasm – and even with the help of some furry friends!

The MSC Centre for the Poor in the Cebu District is part of a larger programme in the Philippines, with the original MSC Centre for the Poor in Butuan now having branched out to several additional locations across the country. The ethos of the centres remains the same – to provide the poor and disadvantaged with a better quality of life by teaching and fostering skills for self-sufficiency and personal growth, and to promote this in harmony with the natural world around us, nurturing the people and the planet in unison. Dedicated to caring for the community and the environment, with initiatives such as plastic waste prevention and clean water and food sustainability programmes, the award-winning MSC Centre for the Poor Agricultural Cooperative (MSC CEPAGCO) are determined in their work to improve the quality of life of the people in their programmes, while fostering ecological awareness and balance.


The music class demonstrates one of the many arms of the multi-faceted plans and programmes in play at the Centre for the Poor, as they continue to inspire people of all ages. Well done to all the budding young performers in the Cebu District, and good luck as you continue in your musical endeavours!

Images via the Facebook page for the MSC Centre for the Poor – Cebu District

Building blocks for the future as the MSC ecobrick project tackles plastic waste in the Philippines

The MSC community in Manila, capital of the Philippines, have been working on an ongoing project where discarded plastic bottles are repurposed and made into “ecobricks”, finding new life as fences, planter boxes, outdoor furniture, altar decorations, and even chapel walls.

Part of the “Sowing Hope for the Planet” campaign, a worldwide movement to promote environmental awareness, the ecobricks project is just one of many efforts in the MSC mission for ecological sustainability and care of our common home. MSCs in the Philippine Province are also extremely active in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, a Vatican initiative based on Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, not least with the remarkable efforts of the community at the MSC Centre for the Poor and their accompanying agricultural co-operative.

Fr James Espuerta MSC was rector at the Manila seminary from 2018 to 2023, where he led countless workshops in the construction and use of the ecobricks. Each brick is comprised of a 1.5 litre plastic bottle, which is then stuffed with smaller pieces of plastic, all compressed with a bamboo stick. Often, the plastics and bottles are painted in bright, appealing colours. The creation of a single brick is time-consuming, and can take a full day to be produced.

“If we have plastics, instead of throwing them away or into the trash or to the garbage cart, better to keep them and then organize ecobrick-making,” says Fr James.

A recent article by Earthbeat reports how the MSC ecobrick initiative began in 2019, at the seminary in Manila, and has since expanded into 15 parishes in the care of our MSC brothers. A chapel in Santo Nino Parish, on Camotes Island in Cebu, has been constructed using ecobricks, and several plastic banks are in operation, whereby people in need can trade plastic they bring from home, or pick up on the street, for food.

Ecobricks help to reduce the costs of building materials while also promoting recycling and ecological awareness, and MSCs in the Philippines are very much aware of the need to reduce the use of single-use plastics in addition. “We have to care for our common home. And plastics destroy creation,” explains Fr James. “Human beings are not the only residents in the world. We also have our brother creatures, and we have to take care of them.”

“Being responsible for the use of the plastic could be a good way to save our environment,” Fr James says. With the support of our mission friends here in the Irish Province and around the globe, MSCs in the Philippines continue in their mission to work in harmony with the natural world, while developing sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyles for the vulnerable and disadvantaged communities in their care.

Original article and images via Earthbeat:

The MSC Message: Summer 2024

Welcome to the Summer 2024 edition of the MSC Message!

• Read a special greeting from Fr John Fitzgerald MSC, Director of the MSC Missions Office.

• Read all about the ordination of Fr Gabriel Shikongo MSC, which took place in Swakopmund, Namibia, as he celebrates his first year as an MSC priest.

• Catch up on the latest news from the mission fields, including updates from the Holy Family Care Centre in Africa, from our OLSH Sisters in Papua New Guinea and Burkina Faso, West Africa, and from our MSC brothers as they celebrated Holy Week & Easter around the world, .

• Join us as we celebrate the new Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in India.

• Find out the latest updates from the team at the MSC Centre for the Poor in the Philippines.

• Discover more from Centro Faustino Villanueva in Guatemala, where staff and students are celebrating 40 years of ministry at the MSC-run vocational centre this year.

• Fr Alan Neville MSC writes from South Sudan, where he is currently ministering with the Loreto team in Rumbek.

Read the Summer 2024 edition of the MSC Message

“Feeding our Future”: The MSC Centre for the Poor completes stage one of their feeding programme for children in the Philippines

The MSC Centre for the Poor in the Philippines has launched the first phase of a feeding programme for vulnerable children in Libis Baesa, a highly populated region in the city of Calcoon.

The feeding programme will run for several months, with this first stage haven taken place over a six-week period throughout February and March, feeding 40 children in Libis Baesa Elementary School. The second phase of the programme will take place in April, in the regions of Libis Dulo and Reparo, and the third stage is planned for May, covering East Libis and Centro.

The Facebook page for the MSC Mission Office in the Philippines shared these photos from the programme, noting “Observe the joy on the faces of the children currently benefiting from the feeding program in Libis Baesa.”

The MSC Centre for the Poor is highly active in its ministry throughout several regions of the Philippines. Its core values centre on working together in harmony with the earth – nurturing our natural environment, while reaping its benefits in creating a sustainable lifestyle that will help poor and struggling families and communities to build the foundation for a brighter future. From agricultural programmes, to clean water projects, to plastic-free and zero-waste initiatives, the MSC Centre for the Poor encourages participants to develop the skills needed to create and maintain an improved quality of life for disadvantaged communities in both urban and rural areas.

The community at the Centre are also extremely responsive in terms of providing emergency aid where necessary, providing urgent care to survivors of the typhoons and tropical storms that frequently hit the country. From building and repairing homes to distributing emergency care packages, their outreach programmes provide practical and very necessary help to families and communities in real need; these photos of the Libis Baesa children receiving much-needed nourishment is a testament to the wonderful work they do at the most fundamental level.

A whole host of willing participants came together to make the food drive possible, with posts on the Facebook page expressing sincere thanks:

“On behalf of the MSC Center for the Poor, we extend our gratitude to the volunteer cooks, the Principal of Libis Baesa Elementary School, Teacher Myrna, the MSC Brothers, Chapel Presidents, Fr. Gab, and Fr. Sam.

Special thanks to our sponsors, RJF Primo Corporation, Felicidad T. Sy Foundation, and Casao Kids. May God bless you abundantly.”

“We are grateful for the visit from our donor, Mrs. Falcon, accompanied by her daughter Cazandra and her classmates from Miriam College: Aurora, Althea, and Jan Jan. The children greatly enjoyed their presence and were overjoyed with the gifts they received.

We also wish to express our thanks to our IC brothers, Bro Erwin and Bro Borge; to the Principal of Libis Baesa Elementary School, Ms. Maria Idel C. Malay; to the Teacher Coordinator, Mam Myrna; the Coordinator of MSC Center for the Poor, Ms. Joy; the MSC Mission Office Board of Trustees and Staff, and the MSC Manila District, Fr. Sam & Fr. Gabby.”

Please keep our MSC communities in the Philippines in your prayers as they continue in their remarkable work in bringing hope to people who people who have very little, and in putting food on the plates of children who would otherwise go hungry. We wish them every blessing in support and friendship as they look ahead to phase two of this vital programme.

Images via the Facebook page for the MSC Mission Office Philippines, Inc.


An outstanding achievement for the MSC Centre for the Poor

Congratulations are in order for the MSC community and their superb team at the MSC Centre for the Poor in the Philippines. On December 15th, 2023, Fr Richie Gomez MSC, community leader at the Centre, attended an awards ceremony hosted by the Villar Foundation in Las Piñas City, where the MSC Centre for the Poor Agriculture Cooperative (MSC CEPAGCO) were honoured to accept an award for being one of the Outstanding Community Enterprises in the country.

Since its establishment five years ago, the MSC Centre for the Poor has gone from strength to strength, with the MSC CEPAGCO providing invaluable assistance to local communities throughout the COVID pandemic and beyond. With a dedicated focus on food sustainability and care of our common home, the agricultural cooperative aims to educate and empower both rural and urban families and communities with the skills they need to create sustainable livelihoods, while nurturing and caring for the earth for future generations to come.

From addressing plastic waste to organising clean water programmes, the MSC Centre for the Poor Agricultural Cooperative are tireless in their work to improve the quality of life of the people in their programmes, while working in harmony with the natural world.

“Thank you Villar Foundation for recognizing our effort and advocacy on organic sustainable agriculture, environmental protection, food security and poverty reduction,” posted the Facebook page for the MSC Centre for the Poor as they shared the news of the 2023 Villar Sipag Award. “Congratulations to Fr. Richie and to all MSC CEPAGCO staff and volunteers who have been instrumental in winning such award!”

We add our congratulations to theirs, and we wish Fr Richie and all the MSC CEPAGCO community continued success in their phenomenal efforts to make an instrumental difference to the lives of disadvantaged families in the Philippines.

Images via the Facebook page for the MSC Centre for the Poor



MSC emergency response to flooding in the Philippines

The MSC Mission Office in the Philippines have been working in rapid response with the MSC Centre for the Poor to issue essential emergency aid to several communities that have been critically affected by severe flooding in the Mindanao region.

The relief project aims to help as many families as possible who have been displaced by catastrophic flooding across the Mindanao area in late January/early February. Flash flooding has caused landslides and as yet untold destruction in this region and beyond, with the death toll climbing to the high teens in the days following the disaster. Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced, while homes and business premises alike have been destroyed, with power outages and interruptions to the water supply also reported.

On February 5th, the MSC Centre for the Poor began distributing vital emergency relief aid to families impacted in Tagbina, in Surigao del Sur. With the emergency response team springing to immediate action, a total of 142 families have received urgent aid so far, as they attempt to recover from the devastation wreaked by the flood waters.


The relief project is ongoing as the outreach team continue in their efforts to help families to repair and rebuild across different areas of the Mindano region. Together, the MSC Centre for the Poor and the MSC Mission Office Philippines are organising the next phase of the mission response project, to support families who have been displaced by flood waters in the districts of Talacogon and San Luis, Agusan del Sur.

Together, we keep our MSC brothers in the Philippines Province, and the communities of Mindanao, in our prayers, as they work to rebuild lives and livelihoods in the face of this overwhelming ordeal.

Images via the Facebook page for the MSC Mission Office Philippines, Inc.

The MSC Message : Winter 2023

Welcome to this year’s Winter edition of the MSC Message!

• Read a special greeting from Fr John Fitzgerald MSC, Director of the MSC Missions Office.

• We welcome  Fr Joe McGee MSC as the new Provincial Superior along with our new Provincial team, Fr Dave Nixon MSC and Fr Manus Ferry MSC, Fr John Bennett MSC, Fr Alan Whelan MSC.

•  More updates from Fr Alan Neville MSC in South Sudan, where a Peace walk was in progress and new members were welcomed to the diocese.

• Fr Remigius reaches out to us to help rebuild his parish Church which had been damaged by high winds in Keelakarai, in South India.

• An update from some of the work we have done in the Phillipines after Typhoon Odette Appeal in 2021.

Read the Winter 2023 edition of the MSC Message

Christmas baskets bring joy in the Philippines

As 2022 reached its end, the MSC Mission Office in the Philippines once again ran their Christmas Basket project, which this year saw over 1,000 pledges helping families in the remote communities of Bataan and Caloocan City.

Care packages containing groceries and essentials were distributed in Calcoocan City and in St Thomas Aquinas Parish, Bangkal, Abucay, Bataan at the end of December. Working together with the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mission Station and a team of wonderful volunteers, the Missions Office were able to raise enough funds for over 1,000 Christmas baskets to help families in need. Each pledge for a basket was marked at a value of 500 Philippine pesos, which meant that a whole family’s Christmas could be entirely transformed for a little under €8.50 per household.

These photos, from the Facebook page for the MSC Mission Office in the Philippines, show the distribution of Christmas baskets in the parish of St Thomas Aquinas in Bataan, led by Fr Ace Yu MSC with the help of parishioners and volunteers. You can also click here to watch a video from the Christmas basket distribution event in Caloocan City, courtesy of the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mission Station.

“We would like to thank all our donors and mission partners who supported us in the campaign to bring joy this Christmas season,” posted the Facebook page for the MSC Mission Office in the Philippines. “We also thank the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mission Station and all the volunteers who help us to make this project possible. To all of you, MARAMING, MARAMING SALAMAT PO! (Thank you, thank you very much!)

Images via the Facebook page for the MSC Mission Office in the Philippines.
Video link via the Facebook page for the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mission Station.