facebook “Yes, miracles happen!”: The Profession of Fr Gerwin Mendoza Lumanglas MSC - Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
29 Jul 2021

Fr Gerwin Mendoza Lumanglas MSC, of the Philippine Province, professed his final vows to become a Missionary of the Sacred Heart in May of this year, while being treated in hospital for pneumonia and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. In his own words, he shares his story, travelling from the brink of death to a hopeful, faith-filled future.  

Fr Gerwin Mendoza Lumanglas MSC, of the Philippine Province, making his perpetual profession in May 2021. (Image via https://www.misacor.org.au.)

Final Vows: In God’s Hand

“I am Gerwin Mendoza Lumanglas, MSC of the Philippine Province, 37 years old, presently assigned to the Chevalier School, Angeles City Pampanga, Philippines, as a Campus Ministry Officer. I joined the MSC in 2013 and made my First Profession on June 2nd 2016.

I have encountered many challenges in my journey as an MSC. The most recent one was on May 3rd 2021. I was brought to the hospital and was diagnosed with pneumonia and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. My blood count level went down to the lowest. My haemoglobin was only 5. The normal level is 140 – 175. My platelet was only 7. The normal level is 150 – 400. I was at the brim of death.”

“Yes, miracles happen!”

“On May 12th 2021, while at my hospital bed, I professed my vows for life of obedience in fraternal charity, consecrated celibacy, and evangelical poverty in the MSC Society. Dedicating myself to God and the Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart while in the four corners of my room in the hospital was very memorable for me. I was very alive and happy to utter the words of my commitment to the Society in front of my Provincial Superior, Fr Bogey Cabrera MSC, together with my witnesses, the Rector of the Chevalier School Fr Ben Roquero MSC, and our Chevalier School secretary, CFLA member Mr Lamberto Arcilla II.

Yes, miracles happen! God works mysteriously. I was terrified and helpless at that moment, but instead of losing hope, I placed my complete trust and faith in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and fervently asked for the intercession of our Father Founder – Jules Chevalier. Now, I feel okay and vibrant, although I have to submit to chemotherapy sessions to ensure complete recovery.”

“Thanks for the Love and Mercy of God. Everything happens with a purpose. I know that I have still a mission to fulfil and that is ‘to be the heart of Jesus here on earth’. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere, now and forever. Amen.”

Fr Gerwin Mendoza MSC
(Province of Philippines)

Fr Gerwin Mendoza Lumanglas MSC, of the Philippine Province, making his perpetual profession in May 2021. (Image via https://www.misacor.org.au.)

Images courtesy of the MSC General Bulletin (June 2021) and the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Australia website