Further to MSC’s Centre for the Poor in the Phillipine’s Beat the Plastic and Building for Sustainability effort they sure have kept themselves busy during the pandemic thanks to all the support they received.
” The global pandemic (COVID-19) phenomena, with its imposed health protocol and restrictions on social gatherings, hampered our activities and renovation project of the Center for the Poor. Nonetheless, the Center made small efforts by patiently responding to the present needs and struggles of the people around us.  We made some unprecedented adjustments in our operations regarding the budget, personnel, priorities and concerns.  Through out this Pandemic period, we were able to focus in developing our Farm and tried to respond not only to pandemic but to the daily survival of the farmers with all the challenges in the estate of Climate Emergency situation.”
“As of November 2020, we have done major renovations of the function hall and dormitories. Now we are ready to provide healthy and safe sleeping quarters to training participants in the District House and in the adjacent building.  We also have a venue for worship and a place for large gatherings such as skills training, networking communication, deepening of spirituality of the Heart, raising awareness on environmental issue and livelihood development programs . Our center is open to different sectors in CARAGA region serving civil society organizations, parish mandated organizations, fisherfolks, urban poor, farmers, youth, women, Likha-Karaga Artists, transport groups, Lumads (Indigenous People), Chevalier Lay Associates, etc.”
The Multimedia Hall of the center wherein the Life’s Healing Journey Program was supposed to be held last year is now functioning as well (besides the usual venue at CFA in Manila). They have expanded/ maximized the floor area with awnings made up of Nipa and Bamboo materials to provide space for small group processing such as Focused Group Discussion. This place can also be our Demonstration Area for our Best Green Practices with an alternative Lifestyle introducing 9R’s-Zero Waste Management (Reuse, Reduce, Repair, Refuse, Recycle, Repurpose, Recover, Regift, RETHINK), Bokashi Technology, and sharing of resources to actualize the Spirit of Laudato Si.”
After the installation of the audio-visual facilities and the multifunction hall last January, the MSC Center for the Poor is now expanding the physical development efforts of the Living Museum in our Del Monte property.  Fr. Tans and Fr. Richie MSC take turns in manning the Center in Butuan and the farm in Del Monte with the help of “Kuya Buddy” (Mr. Salvador Tursar).  We always want to make sure that the center and farm are both important venues in implementing our aspirations to help the poor. At the farm, we are able to set up the Farm House, Nursery, Livestock area, Demo Farms, and Livelihood Programs for the farmers.  It is also important to note that we are able to organize our MSC Lay Partners as Cooperative to effectively respond to the needs of the local community.  In addition, to sustain our Center for the Poor is to strengthen our Lay Empowerment Programs in every location. “