As relief efforts continue in the Philippines following the devastating impact of Typhoon Odette in December 2021, MSC Mission response programmes are ongoing.

MSC mission response efforts in Guilutongan Island, Cordova, which is one of the most affected communities in Cebu following the impact of Typhoon Odette. (Image via @mscmissionphil on Facebook.)

MSC mission response efforts in Guilutongan Island, Cordova, which is one of the most affected communities in Cebu following the impact of Typhoon Odette. (Image via @mscmissionphil on Facebook.)

MSC mission response efforts in Guilutongan Island, Cordova, which is one of the most affected communities in Cebu following the impact of Typhoon Odette. (Image via @mscmissionphil on Facebook.)
On January 11th, the MSC Mission Office in the Philippines reported that relief outreach to date has been far-reaching, with 3,791 relief packs, 575 sacks of rice, and 730 gallons of water distributed since the typhoon hit in mid-December, killing over 400 and rendering hundreds of thousands of people homeless.

The Facebook page for the MSC Mission Office in the Philippines shared a collection of photographs of the relief distribution programme based in Guilutongan Island, Cordova, which is one of the most affected communities in Cebu. These images give just some indication of the sheer scale of the damage done by Typhoon Odette as it tore through the country, leaving close to 600,000 people without homes.

Just some of the damage caused by Typhoon Odette in Guilutongan Island, Cordova. Almost 600,000 people were displaced from their homes following the impact of the typhoon in December 2021. (Images via @mscmissionphil on Facebook.)

Just some of the damage caused by Typhoon Odette in Guilutongan Island, Cordova. Almost 600,000 people were displaced from their homes following the impact of the typhoon in December 2021. (Images via @mscmissionphil on Facebook.)

Just some of the damage caused by Typhoon Odette in Guilutongan Island, Cordova. Almost 600,000 people were displaced from their homes following the impact of the typhoon in December 2021. (Images via @mscmissionphil on Facebook.)

Just some of the damage caused by Typhoon Odette in Guilutongan Island, Cordova. Almost 600,000 people were displaced from their homes following the impact of the typhoon in December 2021. (Images via @mscmissionphil on Facebook.)

Just some of the damage caused by Typhoon Odette in Guilutongan Island, Cordova. Almost 600,000 people were displaced from their homes following the impact of the typhoon in December 2021. (Images via @mscmissionphil on Facebook.)

Just some of the damage caused by Typhoon Odette in Guilutongan Island, Cordova. Almost 600,000 people were displaced from their homes following the impact of the typhoon in December 2021. (Images via @mscmissionphil on Facebook.)
Writing from an evacuation centre on Christmas Eve, community leader Fr Richie Gomez MSC told Irish Provincial Superior Fr Carl Tranter MSC how grateful he was for the “overwhelming support” that our Filipino MSC brothers have received from the Irish Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. We ask that your continue to keep our MSC brothers and the people of the Philippines in your prayers as they continue to navigate this landscape of loss and destruction.

Images via the MSC Mission Office Philippines, Inc. Facebook page.