facebook MSC Missions in Mozambique welcome Bishop Luís Fernando - Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
30 Jan 2020

November 2019 saw great excitement for our MSC communities in Mozambique, when a visit from Bishop Luís Fernando “revived the faith and strengthened the bonds of friendship” among local parishes, according to the MSC Mozambique Facebook page.

Many families in the region are still working to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of the savage cyclones that hit their country early last year. In mid-March of 2019, Cyclone Idai wreaked havoc in north-eastern Mozambique, killing over 600 people, and just six weeks later, at the end of April, the Pemba region was hit again by Cyclone Kenneth, with the death toll rising further. In addition, over 21,000 people lost their homes, livestock and crops; for many people in the area, the cyclones signalled the end of life as they knew it.

MSC Moçambique is with Pe José Eduardo Paixão and Luiz Fernando Lisboa at Comunidade Nossa Senhora De Fátima - Meluco.

This dual disaster was a devastating blow to a country that was already struggling, and every little helps a lot. During his visit to the region, Bishop Luís met with local communities and performed blessings and ceremonies that were a tremendous boost to parishioners, bringing them together in reflection and thanksgiving.

On his visit to the MSC missionary area, Bishop Luís stopped in Quissanga, an area particularly affected by last year’s natural disaster, where he visited hospital patients. Quissanga is just one of the places that suffered a great deal from the effects of the cyclones, and the bishop’s visit brought renewed motivation and encouragement to the people in the region.

The MSC Mozambique Facebook page expresses their gratitude towards Bishop Luís, posting: “Thank you to our pastor for the availability of the heart”.

Our MSCs continue their tireless work in aiding these families in their struggle to rebuild their lives. Please keep our MSCs and the communities they serve in your prayers – all support, no matter how big or small, provides very welcome encouragement and much-needed practical aid as they continue on their mission.


Images via the MSC Mozambique Facebook page.