At the beginning of 2021, our mission friends and benefactors blessed us with wonderful support for our 2021 MSC World Projects Appeal, which featured global outreach projects run by our Sacred Heart Sisters of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
These projects included support for the victims of Typhoon Vamco (locally known as Typhoon Ulysses) in the Philippines. The most powerful typhoon to hit the country in seven years, it caused untold damage and left in its wake loss of life, severe flooding and damage amounting to millions of euro. A community of 25 OLSH Sisters have been ministering to badly affected families in two very poor areas of Manila, and Sr Ruth S. Yburan FDNSC, Regional Leader of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in the Philippines, writes to thank our mission friends in the Irish Province for their compassion and support.
“You cannot imagine my joy, relief, and excitement when I was informed that €21,000 had been donated towards assisting the victims of Typhoon Ulysses,” writes Sr Ruth. “Last year, we received €10,000 from the Irish Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, and we used it for the most needed things: at that time, food, clean water, and the basics of life. At the same time, we were able to meet each family and learn their situation and their needs.”
“COVID has interrupted our mission to the people, but we are in a position now to re-start this privileged work. The very generous donation, which we appreciate very much, arrived at the perfect time. Sr Leda and I visit San Mateo and Montalban ones or two days per week. On each trip, Sr Leda and I go to visit a family and see the state of their house. Even prior to the typhoon, the people here had very difficult lives, and many lived in homes made of timber, corrugated iron, strong cardboard, plastic, newspaper. There is no running water at all.”
“Upon meeting the family and speaking with them, we work out together what they need to re-establish themselves. This could be lumber, nails, iron, etc. We go with the family to the local hardware stand, where we like to do our business to support the owner in his little trade store. Once the necessary materials are located and the price paid, with the generosity of MSC Mission Office, Cork, the family takes home the needed materials and can work on their ‘new’ house.”
“Both we, the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in the Philippines, and the people of San Mateo and Montalban express our deep gratitude for the hope you give us. We remember you daily in prayer. Thank you for allowing us to continue helping those who suffer.”