On this page we will share some quotes from our Founder Jules Chevalier that express his ‘heart’ spirituality.’
I see a new world emerging
The Word,
Coming from the Heart of his Father,
made the world emerge from nothing;
and from the Heart of the Incarnate Word,
pierced on Calvary,Our Founder Jules Chevalier, 1824-1907I
I see a new world emerging, the world of those he has chosen.
And this creation,
so fertile, full of grandeur, and inspired by love and mercy,
is the Church,
the mystical body of Christ
which makes this new creation
present on Earth
until the end of time.(Le Sacre-Coeur de Jesus, Quatrieme ed. Paris 1900, pg 145.
God so loved the world.
This love that is immense, beyond measure, took flesh in a Heart,
that will pour out on us the treasures of heaven;
and that Heart was given to us on the Feast the Church celebrates today.
O day forever to be remembered, when the human ear,
pressed on the bosom of God, incarnate in a little child,
has heard for the first time the beating of the Heart of God,
and the human hand has felt this gentle throb.(Christmas Sermon – Manuscript 1856)
The Heart of the Mystical Body
Though composed of different members,
Humanity forms one body and one blood.
The heart that gives life to all the members
Of this great body is the Heart of Christ.
He alone unites us together and
He alone unites us also to God.
As soon as we separate ourselves from him,
We separate ourselves from one another
And we lose the true feeling of human fraternity
By losing the life of God, which is its source.
This divine Heart is the centre
Around which all hearts gravitate.
It is the sacred bridge thrown across the bottomless Chasm that separates divinity from humanity. (1865)