facebook The Congress closed with flags, music and the celebration of the Eucharist

Last Sunday 60,000 pilgrims gathered in Croke Park for the Statio Orbis of the 2012 Eucharistic Congress. This gathering was the culmination of a week’s celebration of hope, exploration of faith and sharing of love. When people were asked what was so special about the Congress the answer that was most often repeated was the atmosphere. There was a real sense of being reminded why we gather in communion; why we share the Word; why we break open the bread, the body of Christ.


It was an opportunity to remind ourselves of the precious gift we receive in the Eucharist. The words on the banner over the altar, Become What You Receive, offered encouragement, as well as a challenge. There has been a great deal of talk in Ireland, England and Western Europe about renewal in our church. If the Eucharistic Congress is to mean anything last Sunday wasn’t the end, but a new beginning.

Photos Irish Times Monday 18th June 2012